SRIRAM Students sweep IIT HSEE 2013 results this year too!

Dear teachers at Sriram, What can I say? My success, I attribute to the rigorous and thorough training I received at Sriram. When I joined the crash course on the very first day on April 2013, my only aim was to be on the list of people that the teachers at Sriram believed would definitely get in, a list my father had boasted was fail-safe, had been fail-safe, year after year.  But learning at Sriram and the way in which I was taught- succint, precise, concise, thought-provoking yet encouraging us at every single step to be independent, to do things on our own- somehow, all these factors combined and day by day, my aim changed, gained conviction.  My goal went from being on the Sriram tentative list to being AIR-1.

This was helped along by the ceaseless efforts of my teachers, the myriad topics discussed and covered, the innumerable mock papers and lastly, and the most precious by far, the ability to manage my time, both inside and outside an examination hall. Today, I'm not AIR-1, but that is due to negligence on my part, not Sriram's. AIR-2 is not exactly bad either, however, my time with Sriram has convinced me that my best is yet to come, that I can achieve greater heights. 

That I too, have the potential to be the numero uno. I join IIT Madras on 29th July, 2013. From that day on, a new phase in my life starts. A phase that shall change me forever, just as my experience with Sriram has changed me in small, imperceptible ways, forever. But I know now, that when I enter that great institute of learning, I carry with me, within me, a heretofore dormant thirst for knowledge and for being the best I can. HSEE was not my only triumph; I was ranked 170 in CLAT, thus topping in the state of Chhattisgarh. While it feels absolutely wonderful to have gotten in, my priority has always been HSEE and I plan to pursue a career in Humanities. Today people call me up to know more about HSEE. In my small town of Bhilai, where earlier engineering and medicine were the be all and end all, I'm a pioneer of sorts, having paved a path for all those others like me out there, who are hopelessly drawn to history and the ilk, and can't make head or tails of physics and chemistry. I've referred Sriram to as many as asked me, and expect an great increment in the number of students applying for HSEE in future. The first day of my crash course, I remember being told that IIT or getting into one, was not the end of the world. But it is, in a way, the end of the world for me. The end of the world as i know it, and on to new beginnings. And for that, I owe both Sriram and my parents, neither of which debts I can ever repay. But what I can do, and have done, is spread the word among the younger generations, among those yet to come up, so that they too may have the same opportunities that I had, so that they too may have a shot at a future like mine.
A future which shines, gleams, glitters and dazzles with all the promise of a flawless, 5-carat D-grade colourless diamond in the rough, just waiting to be polished, at the gemcutter's table.
Yours truly
From now and forever more,
Aishwarya Pillai
Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.
AIR 2, IIT HSEE 2013

Even though I applied pretty late for the SRIRAM program, I must say that the materials sent by Sriram have been extremely beneficial. I'm pretty sure that such comprehensive material is hard to find elsewhere.

 Hardwork on our part with ample support from Sriram is all one needs to realise our dream.
Thank you sriram!!!!

Hasna Ashraf
Malapuram, Kerala.

IIT HSEE 2013 Topper

To be honest, I thought this crash course would be very hectic and just filled with a bunch of teachers coming and quickly giving us a list of a whole lot of facts. I couldn't have been more wrong! The teachers we've had were so accommodating and encouraging all the way, and they really did their best to make classes as interactive as possible, although we were on a tight schedule!

The many small tests, worksheets and mocks were really useful for my preparation, and the online study material made studying current affairs and GK a total breeze! All in all, this was a very helpful course for preparation for the IITHSEE. I owe my success to SRIRAM.

Priyadarshini Subramanian

IIT HSEE 2013 Topper

I had always wanted to study the nuances of literature and upon finding out about IIT-HSEE; it seemed to be the perfect opportunity. Sriram provided us with the perfect intel to take on the exam with confidence.

 English classes were refreshingly challenging, and Math classes were different from any I had ever experienced. All in all, the sriram experience was completely worth it.
Urmika Sinha
IIT HSEE 2013 Topper

First of all I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all the help, support and motivation that Sriram Academy gave me during my preparation for the IIT HSEE exam.

 It was the guidance that I received from SRIRAM study materials, weekly and mock tests and useful tips that gave me complete idea about what the exam was like. Sriram has helped me in a big way to crack IIT HSEE.

Shalini Jethandran

IIT HSEE 2013 Topper

The SRIRAM intensive course was extremely helpful for the HSEE test, as it equips one with all the necessary material, advice and skills to crack the test. The teachers were excellent in their guidance and teaching. The training material including mock tests and worksheets provided by SRIRAM also proved essential for exam preparation.

I felt that the entire coaching session provided the students with a focus, clarity and confidence required for the HSEE. Thank you SRIRAM for your support

Kalyani Subbiah

IIT HSEE 2013 Topper

I expected twenty days of grueling, robotic slog sessions, when I signed up for the crash course in Sriram. But the energetic and interactive classes were a pleasant surprise. The Institute's approach was calm, collected and realistic which was an impetus to actually learn, not mindlessly mug up. The teachers were extremely informed and the atmosphere was encouraging and familiar. I'm glad to have been a part of this, for I've taken home much more than just study materials.

I'd like to extend my earnest gratitude to the Sriram team, for their ceaseless support and guidance and above all, for a memorable experience.

Saba Firdaus

IIT HSEE 2013 Topper

This coaching has been a revelation for me, and a good one at that. Not only have I been able to get a clearer picture of what IIT HSEE is all about , I realized that if I hadn't signed up for the intensive, I would have probably ended up in dire straits.

Thank you for this experience which has paved way for my success in IIT HSEE.

Balasubramanyam P

IIT HSEE 2013 Topper

My words will be too little to thank Sriram Academy. It has been a great great experience. Infact, splendid. It's not just about the classes alone. Sriram provided me a platform to meet extremely qualified & amazing teachers . SRIRAM gave me 99% of what I needed to have to crack the IIT exam. The mocks, tests, worksheets, everything ...helped us a lot. These twenty days of my life would be definitely treasured. Thank You!!

 I will definitely suggest Sriram Academy to my friends. I owe my success to the SRIRAM team.

Deepta Sunil

IIT HSEE 2013 Topper

I don't have words to shower my gratitude for the great help that SRIRAM study materials, tests and newsletters did. Being an IIT aspirant in the beginning i didn't have any idea at all how to plan my studies. From the very first guide to the latest mock tests, sriram has been stimulating me to realize my desire to be an iitian. It is the GK newsletters of sriram that made me up-to-date and get into the core of bulky news.

The mock tests have really relieved my tensions of writing HSEE.....Maths was not my cup of tea.But now I am good in that even. I am grateful to the SRIRAM faculty team.

Edappal, Malapuram [Kerala]

IIT HSEE 2013 Topper

SRIRAM has proved to be very beneficial to me. Though I was not enrolled in a classroom program, the correspondence has helped me a lot. Especially the weekly tests and the mocks were very helpful.

I could confidently handle IIT HSEE and I am grateful to the SRIRAM team.

Srishtika Prakash

IIT HSEE Toper 2013

SRIRAM ACADEMY's text materials as well as online support program have been a great support for me in my preparation for HSEE 2013. The course materials helped in forming an idea on what to cover and helped me plan my preparation. The mock tests helped in assessing me. Student's Handbook on General Knowledge compiled by Hema Ma'am has kept me as well as family occupied during my preparation.

Thank you SRIRAM for your constant support as well as motivation to crack this exam.

Meera Panicker

IIT HSEE 2013 Topper

SRIRAM has been really helpful indeed especially because of the fact that the sample and model papers of HSEE are really difficult on the internet.

Sriram's materials and online question papers have really helped me to compensate that loss.
Thank you SRIRAM

IIT HSEE 2013 Topper

I am greatly indebted to Sriram Academy for their wholesome support in my preparation for IIT HSEE.

Their mocks and frequent tests have been very useful and have played a major role in boosting up my confidence to face the exam.... Thank you so much.



IIT HSEE 2013 Topper

SRIRAM Students selected in IIT HSEE 2013
PIYUSH KUMAR [Trivandrum]  AIR 1
AISWARYA R [Ernakulam]
KALYANI S [Singapore]
ATHEETH [Kerala]
SABA FIRDAUS [Bangalore]
APARNA C S [Coimbatore]
RAHULNATH S R [Kayamkulam]
LEKSHMY U K [Vaikom]
MARVA M [Edapal]
G ANANYA [Hyderabad]
RIMIL HEMBROM [Saraikella, Jharkhand]
ARUNBALAJI T [Vedaranyam]
GOURI R [Kochi]